
  1. 홈
  2. 알림광장
  3. 공지게시
  4. 공지사항
  5. 제 1 회 한국문학번역신인상 심사위원 개별평2


제 1 회 한국문학번역신인상 심사위원 개별평2
  • 작성자최고관리자
  • 등록일2003-04-01
  • 조회수2999
Application Guidelines for
Korean Literature Translation Grants
Year 2002

The Korea Literature Translation Institute (LTI Korea), which is funded by the Korean government, supports translation projects of Korean literature. LTI Korea wishes to make Korean literature accessible to a wider international readership and to promote mutual understanding between Korea and other countries and allow the international literary community to develop a deeper appreciation of diverse cultural elements in Korean literature.

1. Application Categories

□ Open Entry

● Texts Sought: Translations of classic and modern Korean literature of high literary quality with potential appeal to readers of the target country
● Languages: All foreign languages will be considered, although the primary targets are English, French, German, and Spanish.
● Applicant Qualifications:
- Native Koreans and/or Native speakers of the target language
- Candidates recommended by a reliable foreign publisher
* Joint work of a Korean/foreigner team is encouraged.
● Amount of Grant: Approximately 15 million won
- The amount of the grant is subject to adjustment based on the length of the original work.
● Length of the work:
- Novel/Drama: The translated volume should be at least 200 pages long.
- Poetry: One or more original volume(s) of poetic works (or the equivalent) in a collected work of poems

□ Designated Korean Classic: A Travelogue to China

● A grant for the translation of the following designated work of classic Korean literature is available.
● Target Language: English
● Designated Work :
- Classical Work : A Travelogue to China
(Selections from Bak Jiwon’s Yeolhailgi)
- Contents : “Dogangnok”, “Taehagyugwallok”
“Okgabyahwa”, “Sanjangjapgi”
“Gwannaejeongsa”, “Hwanhuigi”
(* Particular selections for translation will be given afterward.)
- Reference : Yeonamjip: Hangungmunjipchonggan 252
(Minjongmunhwachujinhoe 2000)

● Applicant Qualifications: Same as for the open entry
● Amount of Grant: Approximately 20 million won
- Grants are also available to allow consultation with specialists of Korean classics, if necessary.

2. Grant Period
In principle, one year is allowed for the translator(s) to complete the project. However, up to a one-year extension is possible with the prior approval of the Institute.

3. Documents to be submitted
(Forms for articles A, B, C, D, and E below are provided by the Institute. They can be downloaded from the Institute’s internet homepage—www.ltikorea.net)

A. Application Form
B. Curriculum Vitae of the co-translator (applicable only when the application is made by a Korean/foreigner team)
C. Permission from the author of the original text for translation and publication
D. Text Selection Rationale
- A statement detailing the translator’s reasons for selecting the text, viability of publication in the target country, and potential appeal to readers of the target language
- Documentary evidence proving the literary quality of the original work
E. Detailed schedule for translation
F. Synopsis of the work (for contacting publishers)
- Must be written in the target language and submitted on disk and as hard copy.
- Contents: Introduction of the author, the work, and the translator, as well as literary evaluation of the work.
- Introduction to the work: Synopsis should be included for novels and dramas. In the case of poetry, more than 2 poems representative of the poet should be included, along with the introduction to its literary quality.
- Length: 5~7 pages on A4 paper
G. Samples of translation (to be submitted with the original text)
- Poetry: at least 15 poems
- Novel: 20~30 pages on A4 paper
- Short Story Collection: at least one story
- Other genres: 20~30 pages on A4 paper
H. Any other reference or documentary evidence that may demonstrate the applicant’s ability as a translator
- Exemption is allowed for those who won the Korean Literature Translation Award and/or Daesan Literary Awards in Translation and/or those who have published more than 3 translated works of Korean literature in one genre.

4. Application Period and Notification Date
● Application period: July 1 ~ August 15, 2002
● Notification date: Applicants will be notified individually in early October 2002.

5. Selection Criteria
● Selection Criteria
- Literary quality of the original work
- Degree of excellence in translator’s sample work
- Potential appeal to readers of the target language
● Additional elements to be considered
- Texts that have already been published in translation will not be considered unless the need for retranslation can be fully justified.

6. Interim Report
● Six-months after the receipt of the translation grant, each recipient must submit an interim report regarding their progress, along with a copy of the translated manuscript completed to date.

7. The Translated Work
● LTI Korea will not claim any share of the copyright but will leave it entirely to the publisher, the author, and the translator. However, the Institute must be given the liberty to use parts of the translated text in any form for its official purposes.
● Completed translations are subject to the evaluation of the Institute.
● If the quality of translation is acceptable, the Institute will arrange for the publication of the translation through publishers of the target country. The translator’s cooperation and assistance in locating a publisher, as well as in editing and proof reading, will be required.

8. Where to Apply:
● Send the application to:
Korea Literature Translation Institute
5th Floor, Seojin Building
149-1, Pyeong-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-102, Korea
● If mailed, please use registered mail and make sure that it arrives by the deadline.
● Submitted documents and translations will not be returned.

● For further inquiries, please contact:
Korea Literature Translation Institute
Tel: +82-2-732-1442
Fax: +82-2-732-1443
E-mail: info@ltikorea.net
Homepage: www.ltikorea.net

Application Guidelines for
Korean Literature Publication Grants
Year 2002

The Korea Literature Translation Institute (LTI Korea), which is funded by the Korean government, provides financial support for the publication of translated Korean literary texts, both contemporary and classical. LTI Korea wishes to make Korean literature accessible to a wider international readership in order to foster international awareness and appreciation of Korean literature.

1. Target Languages and Texts
● Languages: All foreign languages will be considered, but the primary targets are English, French, German, and Spanish.
● Texts: Works of classic and modern Korean literature
(Texts about Korean literature and culture may also be considered.)

2. Applicant Qualifications
● Applicant must be a publisher of the target country.

3. Amount of Support
● An appropriate amount will be determined in consideration of publication costs in the target country.

4. Documents to be Submitted:
a. Completed application form
b. Agreement of publication signed by the author and the translator
c. An introduction of the publishing company, including its history and past achievements
d. A publication schedule and marketing strategies for the work

5. Application Period
● No particular period is assigned. Applications can be filled at any time of the year, and each application will be considered on its own merit.

6. Selection Criteria
● A clear and detailed publication plan
● Effective marketing strategies
● Reputation and reliability of the publisher in the target country

7. Copyright
● LTI Korea will not claim any share of the copyright but will leave it entirely to the publisher, the author, and the translator. However, the Institute must be given the liberty to use parts of the translated text in any form for its official purposes.

8. Obligations of the publisher
● The book must be published within the timetable stipulated in the contract.
● Acknowledgement of the support from Korea Literature Translation Institute must be included in the book.
● Regular updates on the progress of publicity efforts as well as sales results will be required.

9. Where to Apply:
● Send the application to:
Korea Literature Translation Institute
5th Floor, Seojin Building
149-1, Pyeong-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-102, Korea
● For further inquiries, please contact:
Tel: +82-2-732-1442
Fax: +82-2-732-1443
E-mail: info@ltikorea.net
Homepage: www.ltikorea.net

[The First Korean Literature Translation Contest]

As part of the Institute’s efforts to introduce and promote Korean literary works overseas, the Korea Literature Translation Institute will hold its first Korean Literature Translation Contest. Accordingly, the Institute wishes to recognize and honor young and rising translators who can contribute to the field of Korean literature translation.

□ Language: English

□ Texts: With due consideration of literary quality of the original work, any short story published between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2001

□ Applicant Qualifications: Previously unpublished translator, English Native Speaker or native Korean

□ Award: 3 million won (one prize)

□ Documents to be Submitted:
 Completed application form (To be downloaded from the Institute’s internet homepage— www.ltikorea.net)
 Translated manuscript, along with the original text
(* Documents submitted will not be returned)

□ Application Period: October 21~ November 15, 2002

□ Announcement of the Winner: To be notified individually and on the Institute’s homepage on December 9, 2002
 The prize winner will be entrusted with future translation projects, as well as receive preference for other LTI Korea grants

□ Award Ceremony: January 2003

□ Where to Submit:
Korea Literature Translation Institute
5th Floor, Seojin Building
149-1, Pyeong-dong, Jongno-gu
Seoul 110-102, Korea

 For further inquiries, please contact:
Tel: +82-2-732-1442
Fax: +82-2-732-1443
E-mail: info@ltikorea.net
Homepage: www.ltikorea.net
출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지한국문화정보원이(가) 창작한 저작물은 공공누리 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
