Translation & Publication Grants

  1. 홈
  2. Program
  3. Translation & Publication Grants
  4. Publication Grants



Publication Grants


LTI Korea offers publication grants to overseas publishers who have acquired the copyright of a work that has been supported by the institute’s programs (Sample Translation Grant, Translation Grants for Korean Publishers and Agencies). If the work has already received a sample translation grant, LTI Korea will provide a translation grant for the parts of the work that have not yet been awarded.

Eligible Applicants

신청 자격

Eligible Applicants

  • Overseas publishers with plans to translate and publish works supported by the “Sample Translation Grant” of LTI Korea and who have acquired the copyrights of those works Book Proposals
  • Overseas publishers with plans to translate and publish works supported by the “Sample Translation Grant” of LTI Korea and who have acquired the copyrights of those works

Grants Details

Translation and publication grants

  • By genre
GenreTranslation Grant
Novel, YA Novel, plays, humanities & social books5.7 million ~ 15 million KRW
Poetry7 million ~ 13 million KRW
  • By language
번역·출판지원금(Group, Language, Translation Grant, Publication Grant)에 대한 정보테이블
GroupLanguageTranslation GrantPublication Grant
AEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, Nordic languages100%4 million KRW
BRussian, Chinese, Turkish, and other European languages80% of Group A
CAll other languages60% of Group A3 million KRW

※ The total amount of the translation grant will be determined by the length of the original work (which may be reduced if the length is significantly less).

Application Process


Application Deadline

Applications are accepted all year round.


Required Documents

1. Grant Application Form  Download
※ If you have a separate marketing plan, apply for "International Exchange Grants" Link
2. Translator Information Form Download
3. Copyright Contract
4. Translation Contract
 제출 방법

How to Apply

  • Please email the application to the person in charge.

※ The overseas publisher must sign publication and translation contracts with the copyright holder and the translator respectively, prior to applying for LTI Korea’s translation and publication grant.

Post-selection Procedure

  • 1. LTI Korea will sign an agreement for grants with the overseas publisher.
  • 2. Upon receipt of the final page proofs and the cover image(or a “Statement of Confirmation”) of the work from the publisher, LTI Korea will provide the translation grant to the translator in a lump sum payment.
  • 3. Upon the book’s publication and receipt of complimentary copies from the publisher, LTI Korea will provide the publication grant to the publisher in a lump sum payment.

    ※ If the work has been fully translated with the support of the LTI Korea, the overseas publisher is only eligible for the publication grant.
    ※ Save for exceptional circumstances, requests for advanced, deferred, or installment payments will not be accepted.


  • Application documents will not be returned.
  • The selected overseas publisher must specify LTI Korea’s support on the book’s copyright page.
  • The selected overseas publisher must cooperate with LTI Korea in post-publication procedures, which include reporting annual book sales.

in Charge

  • Sample Translation Grant

    Hyunjin Lee Translation & Publication Team


    Tel. 02-6919-7731

  • Translation Grants for Korean Publishers and Agencies

    Michelle Yook Translation and Publishing


    Tel. 02-6919-7734