Overseas Promotion

  1. 홈
  2. Program
  3. Overseas Promotion
  4. Public Relations
  5. Offline Promotion



Offline Promotion


LTI Korea effectively publicize its policy direction and program outcomes through media publicity and production of promotional materials. By informing the public about our key policies, the latest news on domestic and international events, and international prizes awarded to Korean literature, we provide Korean readers with up-to-date news on Korean literature as global literature, and raise awareness of our programs. .

Main Services


Media Publicity

LTI Korea informs the media of the latest news on key policies, domestic and overseas events, and international awards. The aim is to raise public awareness of global achievements of Korean literature through press releases, special articles, and interviews.

Press Releases

홍보물 제작

Promotional Materials

LTI Korea strives to raise its profile at home and abroad by producing introductory and promotional materials such as annual reports and leaflets.

Annual Reports

행사정보 관리

Event Information

LTI Korea provides up-to-date news by sharing the schedule and results of its major events and programs.

Event Schedule Event Results