
  1. 홈
  2. About LTI Korea
  3. President
  4. Message from the President



Message from the President

LTI Korea, which was established to share the Korean people’s lives and ethos with the world by helping Korean literature to become a proud member of world literature, celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2021.

LTI Korea has strived to introduce Korean literature overseas since it was first launched as the Korean Literature Translation Fund in 1996, a year celebrated as the “Year of Literature,” in answer to the wishes of the literary, culture, and art communityof Korea.

Korean literature has achieved remarkable growth internationally through our programs like overseas translation and publishing support, international literary exchanges, and the fostering of a new generation of translators, and it is now drawing globalattention as “K-lit” or a “literary Korean Wave” with the expectation that it will enrich the cultural diversity of humanity.

LTI Korea is readying for yet another leap in the coming twenty-five years based on our past achievements. We plan to move one step further from the “globalization of Korean literature” and play a pivotal role in establishing Korean literature as a “literature read by the world” or as “world literature.”

To this end, we will carefully examine what “Korean literature as world literature” should be like and bolster the creation of exceptional Korean literature while at the same time staying faithful to our original function of enabling Korean literature to meet global readers in wider and more diverse ways through superlative translation. And based on this, reflecting this age of multiculturalism and globalization, we will engage different Korean literatures like the “divided literatures of North and South Korea,” the “literature of Koreans andliterature in Korean,” and the “new Korean literature set to emerge in a multicultural environment.” In addition, in terms of the Korean Wave and cultural contents, we will pay attention to Korean language based content and will keep systematically discovering and nurturing competent translators.

We will fulfill this important role by talking to and consulting all those involved. I hope that writers, translators, readers, and the public will take a close interest in our activities and extend their encouragement and support to us.