About LTI Korea

  1. 홈
  2. About LTI Korea
  3. About LTI Korea
  4. Vision




한국문학번역원 경영전략체계 (2022~2024) MISSION - 한국문학의 발전과 세계화 / ViSION - 세계문학으로서의 한국문학의 장을 여는 중추 기관

Four key focus areas

Core Values

Progress Together

  • We work together with stakeholders such as writers, translators, publishers, and readers to strengthen the position of Korean literature in the world.


  • Pursue active development by presenting and trying different opinions based on mutual trust between the organization and its members.


  • We strive to engage with diverse cultures with open communication and actively collaborate with our stakeholders.


  • As a support organization for the development and globalization of Korean literature, we constantly strive to improve our translation and international exchange expertise.

2024 경영목표  해외 한국문학 인지도 90%달성  전문 번역가 400명 발굴·육성  디지털 콘텐츠 활용도 90점  고객만족도 95점

Strategic goals and objectives