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  4. 2025 Translation Academy Internship Program: Call for Participating Organizations




2025 Translation Academy Internship Program: Call for Participating Organizations
  • Writer콘텐츠운영팀
  • Date2025-03-10
  • Hits255

2025 Translation Academy Internship Program

About the Program

The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) is pleased to announce the 2025 Translation Academy Internship Program.This program connects highly qualified graduates of our Translation Academy with organizations seeking professional interns for the translation and export of Korean literature, webtoons, films, and other cultural content. We invite eligible organizations to participate and benefit from the skills and enthusiasm of our graduates.

Program Details

n Program Name: 2025 Translation Academy Internship Program

n Program Period: March to November 2025

n Program Details: LTI Korea will connect organizations seeking interns with our Translation Academy graduates and provide financial support for intern salaries.

n Eligible Organizations: Korean and international publishers, agencies, and organizations in the literature and cultural content sectors.

Ineligible Organizations:

- Organizations with unpaid taxes or insurance contributions etc., a history of financial defaults, or a record of significant social issues (e.g., labor law violations, public scandals).

Preferred Qualifications:

- Organizations with a demonstrated or recognizable connection to introducing Korean literature and cultural content (webtoons, films, etc.) to international audiences.

n Supported Languages: Interns are available for the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.

n Internship Details:

- Length: 1 to 3 months

- Work: Full-time or part-time, in-person or remote (internships must be completed by November 2025)

- Financial Support: LTI Korea will provide a stipend of up to 1,330,000 KRW per month (including exchange rate, remittance, and other fees).

- Your Responsibilities:Participating organizations must pay all mandatory deductions as required by local law. The LTI Korea stipend can only be used towards the intern's net salary (after deductions).

- Payment: LTI Korea will reimburse your organization within one month of receiving the required paperwork (final reports and a completed satisfaction survey) after completion of the internship.

n Intern Responsibilities:


Cultural Content

Translate samples, abstracts, articles, and other materials, create promotional materials, assist with contracts, and more

Localization, translation and revision of webtoons, scripts, and project proposals, etc.

*Work Conditions: Work hours and conditions will be based on local labor laws and agreed upon by your organization and the intern.

n Program Procedure:

Organization Selection

Intern Matching




Participating Organization

Submit application

Hire intern as per internal process

Sign contract with intern

Hire and pay intern monthly salary

Submit report and satisfaction survey

LTI Korea

Review applications and select participating organizations

Recruit suitable graduates

Sign agreement with organization

Provide subsidy

*LTI Korea will recruit interns for up to 3 weeks. If no suitable candidates are found, the organization selection may be canceled.

*Selected organizations will conduct their own internal intern selection processes.

*Intern selection and contract signing must be completed before the intern can begin working.

*Reimbursement will be processed within one month of receipt of all required documentation.

n Application Process:


Application Period

Notification of Results



March 10–April 9

Individual notification in April


June 1–June 30

Individual notification in July

Internships must conclude by the end of November.

n Application Method: Email application to

Email Subject Format: [2025 Internship] Organization Name / Sector / Language(s)

*Example: [2025 Internship] ABC Publishers / Literature / Spanish, German

n Required Documents:

- Application form(prescribed format, with company seal)

- Business registration certificate

- Tax clearance certificate

- Internship contract template

n Selection:A committee will review applications.

Important Notes

*Funding may be revoked if false information is provided, eligibility requirements are not met, or duplicate funding from other government or public institutions is discovered.

*Program details are subject to change.

n Inquiries:

Office of Education Support


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