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  4. Call for 2020 Translators in Residence




Call for 2020 Translators in Residence
  • Writer학사운영팀
  • Date2020-03-17
  • Hits4079


2020 Translator-in-Residence

The LTI Korea hosts 2020Translator-in-Residence program to offer translators from abroad an opportunityto gain deeper understanding of Korean literature. Participants of the programwill have the opportunity to hands-on experience Korean literary culture andnurture their literary translation skills.

Target Participants (Qualifications)

Translators, scholarsand other translation/publication professionals residing overseas who meet one of the following conditions:

- Has had at least 1translated work (literature/culture/arts) published overseas (including literarymagazine)

- Has made asignificant contribution to the dissemination of Korean literature overseas

- Has been therecipient of a Korean or international prize or translation grant for thetranslation of a Korean literary, cultural or artistic text

Please include specific details: name of theprize or literary magazine, year of receipt, etc.

Program Period: July2020 – November 2020

Support Offered

- Financial Support: Livingexpenses(up to 3,300,000) and roundtrip airfare

- Activities Provided:meetings with writers, translation/Korean literature lectures, etc.

(Translation/Korean literature lectures will only be provided from Julyto August. Please apply within this period if you wish to participate inthis program.)

All programs will be conducted in Korean.

Length of Stay: 21 days within the program period

Applicants are asked to submit the following documents by email (

1) Residency program applicationform (fixed format, can be downloaded from the LTI Korea website)

2) Personal statement& Translation research activityproposal (any format, around 3 pages of A4)

3) Agreement to thecollection of personal information (can be downloaded from the LTI Koreawebsite)


Selection Announcement: Applicants will be notified oftheir result in May. The list of selected candidates will also beannounced on the LTI Korea website. (

Final Report: All participants of this program are required to turn in a final report(fixed format) within 1 month of completion.


Division of Education Program, HeesuChoi ( +82-2-6919-7756)

출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지한국문화정보원이(가) 창작한 저작물은 공공누리 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
