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  4. Applications Open for 2025 Overseas Translation Workshop Program




Applications Open for 2025 Overseas Translation Workshop Program
  • Writer교육지원팀
  • Date2024-12-16
  • Hits1187

Applications Open for 2025 Overseas Translation Workshop Program

Through the Overseas Translation Workshop Program, LTI Korea provides funding assistance for Korean literature translation workshops held abroad.

We seek applications from overseas universities with Korean studies programs.

2025년도 해외 한국학대학 번역실습워크숍 참가대학을 모집하기 위한 홍보 포스터이다. 모집 대상은 해외 대학 중 한국학과가 있거나 한국학을 수업하는 학교이며, 언어권에는 제한이 없다. 모집기간은 2024년 12월 16일부터 2025년 1월 15일까지다. 지원을 원하는 학교는 지원신청서, 강사진 이력서 및 자기소개서, 강사료 확인이 가능한 서류를 제출해야 한다.

1. Introduction: Our grants cover the costs of running a Korean literature translation workshop and inviting a Korean writer for an online/offline session.

2. Eligibility: Overseas universities with Korean language or Korean literature programs in all language groups are eligible to apply.

3. Details

1) Event details

- Korean literature translation seminars: translate Korean literature (1 short story, around 20 poems, a novel of medium/long length (20 pages or more), or essay(20 pages or more) into a foreign language. (We recommend at least 7 students must participate and workshops scheduled for the first half of 2025)

- Period: at least 12 sessions for 8 weeks. (However, if it is held during vacation, at least 12 sessions for 4 weeks are acceptable.)

- Workshop with the Author: event duration should be about 1~3 days, including an online/offline session with a writer

2) Event dates: Anytime in between March – mid-October 2025

3) Grant details: around 7,500,000KRW

4. Application and Selection Process

1) Application period: 2024. Dec. 16. (Mon) ~ 2025. Jan. 15. (Wed) (24:00 KST)

2) How to apply: applications are accepted by email only (

3) Required documents

- Application (in Korean or English). Please use the provided form.

* Please include detailed information on the amount of grant, a budget plan, the workshop/seminar schedule

* The budget plan should be in KRW.

* Three different authors’ books must be specified for the seminar books.

- Resumes and personal statements of the teaching staff (no provided form, written in Korean or English)

- The faculty pay scale of the university (The faculty pay per hour must be specified.)

4) Notification of Result: in mid-February 2025 (expected)

5. Selection Criteria

1) The standards of the Korean department

- Students’ linguistic proficiency, participation of MA/PhD students, etc.

- The work experience of the selected faculty member(s)

2) Concreteness/feasibility of the workshop and seminar plan

3) Rational budgeting and suitability

- We take into consideration of budget ratio between LTI and the university, etc.

* The institutions who have been selected in previous years should expand the amount of budget paid by them. This does not apply to new applicants.

4) Expected business effects and concreteness of realization

- In case of the institutions who have been selected in previous years, the results of previous participation will be included.

6. Further Information

1) Submitted documents will not be returned.

2) Translation seminars and workshops using an intermediary language are not eligible.

3) The details and schedule of this program can be changed upon the LTI Korea’s circumstances.

4) Please read carefully the detailed guidelines before applying.
